Yellowjacket – 1. Gayne – 0.

Can you guess which eye got hit?

May 1, 2020

I got nailed by a yellow jacket yesterday.

In the eye.

I was working in the backyard on my latest book for Severed PressReturn to the Tunnel, look for it soon – when I noticed my bird feeder was low. I went to get my ladder and that little yellow bastard came outta nowhere and nailed me in the eye.

I cursed a blue streak, popped a Benadryl with a beer, and lit a cigar.

The birds got no additional food.

And I pretty much called it a day.

Yellow jackets suck.

Benadryl and beer are pretty good together though.

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Gayne C. Young

If you mixed Ernest Hemingway, Robert Ruark, Hunter S. Thompson, and four shots of tequila in a blender, a "Gayne Young" is what you'd call the drink!

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